Cycles of nature, patterns of behavior, interaction. Like snails, we carry our homes with us as internalized structures. Inside is an infinite space where we are at once a part of everything and simultaneously alone. Outside, the world resonates with the chords of our internal mechanisms. Our brain waves register pulsations of light and color. From rhythmic patterns of noise we pull our thoughts. Visceral color surrounds us. We absorb just as objects absorb and reflect light. We register hot and cold and all steps in between as changes in season and place. Home is a place of quiet or disquiet where the opposing forces of fear and joy, good and evil, life and death reveal themselves and do battle in shifting patterns of sunlight traversing wall and floor.

This work is a meditation on home, inhabitance, spirit of place, on energy patterns formed like a slow beaming up, the materialization that occurs with the transference of physical presence from one structure to the next. These images also speak to our inescapable physicality, our need for sustenance, and our undeniable drive as humans to perpetuate and reproduce energy and life.